Art Gallery

Fine Art by Lucia King

Mandalas of the Witnessing Eye

Gouache, watercolor, pen and ink

During the Covid Pandemic in 2021, I created a series of mandalas. Some depicted subjects of beauty, some subjects of grief. They also referenced issues from my personal history as well as issues we now face collectively in the global community. Creating these mandalas was part of my meditation practice. Each of the mandalas is a meditation.

In each mandala, in the middle of the larger sphere, is a center circle holding a witnessing eye. In many of the mandalas, a teardrop is falling from the eye. I wanted to express grief— about the fear, shame, guilt, all the negative emotions I have carried with me, my wasted vitality—grief for others, grief for our world in this time, and grief for Earth and all her creatures.

As I began drawing them, the larger sphere symbolized the Earth with the outer rings representing the atmosphere. Climate change and environmental degradation pervaded my thinking during this process. Here, I’m also using the phrase, “climate change” as a metaphor for the internal transformation of spirit that I am engaged in, opening my heart to all that is.

In creating the mandalas, I also wanted to acknowledge my love for the five elements—Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Space. For each, I selected wildflowers blooming at the time. I view the elements as the philosophical and mystical gift of both Eastern and Western civilizations. They exhibit humanity’s desire to understand the forces of nature. To me, they are the underpinnings of modern science and Evolution.

Even though one of the main issues I was addressing in this series was my fear of death, the process of drawing and painting the mandalas was joyous. No matter what the subject matter was, each mandala seems to possess a unique beauty. If I omit language, let go of my preconceived thoughts, and just observe the image, I see beauty in each one, even those pertaining to the subject of death. The shape of a circle is inherently balanced and harmonious. Could the same be true for the times we live in? It’s hard for me to accept all the devastation that is happening in the world. Is it possible to accept “what is,” and live a balanced and harmonious life? These are the questions I continue to explore in my work.

The last three mandalas, with the title, “The Energy of Color,” mark my transition from the “Witnessing Eye” series to a new body of work, currently in progress.

The Witnessing Eye mandalas opened my awareness to the fabric and texture of life and softened my attitudes toward death. How do they resonate with you? Connect with me here.

Art by Lucia King

Ms. Joy Coach
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